Name before adoption: Robin
Name after adoption: Jack
Adoption date: September 17th, 2017
Breed: Parson russell terrier,male

*Before the adoption

*After the adoption

“They say when one door closes another opens!  After passing of my dog at Easter I never thought that my heart would get filled up again.

Jack is wonderful!  My brother calls him my Pirate-Puppy.   Jack went from the timid dog that always curled up in a ball, and I had to carry up to bed for the first three weeks, to the little guy that now goes to the stairs to tell me its time for bed. It took him a while to figure out that snuggling is a good thing and he does this more and more frequently. He only had one accident in the house and that was my fault because I took my time. He is still a bit shy around strangers and will hide behind me, but once you have been with him for a while he is happy.    My family and friends are all offering to dog sit!  Jack is still a very calm dog and quite often he just sits and watches me, but when I get home from work a very excited Jack keeps jumping up to greet me.  Sometimes I catch him sitting in front of the mirror looking at himself.  He loves his walks and does a circle spin every time we go through the door.  Jack also likes his car rides as his car seat allows him to see everything and he enjoys coming to the office on occasion too.
There is so much I can say, but most importantly, Thank you Sandra and all the volunteers at KOCA for bringing Jack to Canada and giving me the chance to open my home and heart to him.  It has made a difference in both our lives. “

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